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tv   KTVU Morning News  FOX  July 19, 2011 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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say next. a special meeting after a deadly officer involved shooting in the bay view district. the way the chief of police hopes to calm public outrage. >> reporter: and the work on two tunnels at devil slide is slow. the reason for delays and how it will effect drivers coming up. casey anthony out of jail and off the radar. the reason some say she could be right here in the bay area. the morning news continues. and good morning to you. it's tuesday july 19th. i'm maureen naylor. >> and i'm kraig debro. dave and pam are off today. let's get a quick look at the weather and traffic. good morning, steve. kraig, maureen, thank you very much. low cloud, fog, combination of both. once they burn off it will be sunny and warm. for some. but still slightly below average for inland temps by the coast though near average. 60s 70s there. temperatures are starting to warm up. will they continue? we'll have our five-day forecast in about five minutes.
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update now on the traffic with sal. on the richmond san rafael bridge traffic looks pretty good here in both directions leaving and then getting into marin county. also the san mateo bridge right now the traffic is nice getting out to the high-rise with very little fog in your way getting out to highway 101. 6:00 let's go back to the desk. we're continuing to follow developing news this morning. a search is expanding for a missing bay area wind surfer. the woman disappeared last night after going wind surfing along the foster city shoreline. ktvu's tara moriarty just spoke with the woman's husband and joins us live with his reaction on what's happening out there now. tara. >> reporter: that's right. but we have some developing news right now. if you take a look you can see the coast guard out there hovering over the water. they have just lowered a diver into the water. we will of course be talking to the coast guard to figure out exactly what they have found. but it looks like they have found something. again, they have lowered a diver into the water. and we will of course monitor this for the next couple of minutes and see if they have indeed found that missing wind
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surfer. now we did speak to kathy's husband. he has been looking for his wife along the coastline just south at this point this morning he's got his binoculars. he says the last time he saw her was just north of where that chopper is right now around 5:00 last night out there just north of the san mateo bridge. steve has been up all night. he actually forgot his own sail here in the confusion of his wife vanishing. a search and rescue crew have been scouring the bay for the 62-year-old wind surfer since 7:00 last night. her husband is concerned because he says his wife's health was compromised. she is undergoing chemotherapy right now. we do have foster city fire that just arrived here on scene. we will be talking to them and seeing what developments they have for us. now the husband that we spoke to says that the waters did seem to get choppy right when his wife left. >> she was somewhat tired and it got really windy. and sometimes when that circumstance it's easy to get
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what's called launched. you know you're holding on the sail and gust comes through and you get flipped. >> reporter: and back here live you can see that the chopper again is very close to the water. they are lowering a basket. i don't know if you can make it out there in all of the mist but they've lowered a basket into the water. again, they had a diver come down from that helicopter as well. so we will of course monitor this for you, but the coast guard has expanded its search throughout the bay pretty much. she is an expert wind surfer with 20 years of experience. she did have a hand held radio but her husband says she has not used it. she was wearing a blue safety helmet, a black wet suit, had an orange board with a red sail. when we spoke to him just minutes ago he told us he'd hoped they would focus their search here rather than going north into the bay. he believed because of the tide patterns he thought she might be found in the middle of the this channel here or just south of the san mateo bridge. so it looks like he may have been right on the money.
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live from foster city, tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. okay. we're going to go back to that as soon as we have a result there. san francisco's police chief will host a town hall meeting in the bayview district tomorrow. that as tensions mount over a deadly police shooting. officers shot and killed 19- year-old harding saturday. investigators say he fired first at officers during an angry foot chase. angry beaveries dents say officers overreacted. about 150 people took part in a midday rally yesterday to voice frustrations. they say a general mistrust in the bayview exists in the black community. one woman who didn't want to be identified says some are too quick to criticize. >> they're here to protect to serve. we seen the scandals about the tenderloin and undercover officers doing this and that but all officers are not bad. >> he was wanted in the shooting death of a 19-year-old woman in seattle last week. he met with his parole officer
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about ten hours before that shooting. casey anthony's whereabouts remain a closely guarded secret. but a plane that landed in the bay area is causing speculation. our sister station reports anthony's thought to have been on board a corporate jet that flew out overlain doe three hours after her release on sunday. the jet made four stops across the country before landing at the san carlos airport. one stop was in prest county, arizona, which is known for its treatment facilities. the jet is owned by one of anthony's lawyers. casey anthony case has inspired two measures in california that would punish parents who wait to report a child's death or disappearance. it took anthony more than a month to report her daughter missing. one bill under it parents or guardians of children under 14 could face felony charges for failing to report the child's death after 24 hours. >> that's really the goal here is can we save a life? is it possible that people get that notification as soon as
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possible? >> another bill that was introduced would make it a felony for parents who fail to report a child's disappearance after 48 hours. lawmakers plan to take up both bills when they return from summer break next month. 6:05. a sacramento county bounty hunter plans to file a lawsuit against casey anthony and her attorney. he says he spent $200,000 searching for anthony's daughter back in 2008. after watching anthony's trial, he now feels anthony's attorney knew all along the girl was not missing. one legal expert thinks he has a shot at getting his money back. >> if he's able to prove that they made a false statement to him and relied from those false statements he went out and sustained some damages, then, yes, he could get a recovery. >> he plans to file that lawsuit in the next couple weeks. more fallout from the british phone hacking scandal. right now a hearing is taking place in london. these are live pictures from inside that hearing. news corp. chief murdock will soon face
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tough questions coming up in about the next hour and a half we're told. we are monitoring the latest developments. a live report coming up at 6:14. a multimillion dollar construction project on the peninsula is now behind schedule. ktvu's jade hernandez is live in pacifica this morning with more on why tunnels at the devil slide won't be finished for more than a year. >> reporter: that's right. we're live along highway 1 where drivers just down the road hit devil's slide. we can't show you at this hour devil's slide but we can show you the work crews have been trying to complete. work which is now been delayed one year because of soil movement which is requiring more reinforcement work. and take note back in october of last year this project was four weeks ahead of schedule. you can only expect the multimillion dollar price tag to increase up from $350 million. cal trans hasn't announced by how much just yet. the vast project includes constructing two tunnels, two bridges linking highway 1 and pacifica to the tunnels approaching road revisions south of the tunnels, equipment
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buildings and an office building. the late tom advocated and secured $175 million for the tunnels to make for a quicker commute and to prevent landslides which create a dangerous stretch of road between monotara and pacifica on highway 1. devil's slide was closed for five months in april 2006 after a storm. but the last major closure was back in january of 2008. now during periods of closures traffic is rerouted to state route 92. we're going to have more on this project live from pacifica right along highway 1 coming up. reporting live, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. thank you very much. time is 6:08. we're just getting word of a crash in oakland. let's get to sal for details on that. all right. maureen and kraig, let's go right to our live camera of 880. you can see it there. it's an injury crash northbound 880 at 98 on the left hand side of your screen. that's northbound 880 and the paramedic vehicles have showed up on the scene along with fire. and people are slowing down
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past the scene. but all the lanes are open. that's the only good news. unfortunately someone was injured in this crash. and southbound traffic is not slowing down yet. we do see woman emergency vehicles still showing up to the scene. and that's what all the flashing lights -- in fact i just saw another emergency vehicle there on the overcrossing. so it looks like they're sending in more emergency vehicles to this crash. again, northbound 880 just before 98 on the right shoulder looks like a pretty serious crash. let's go out and take a look at the south bay. show you traffic is moving along pretty well here as our road sensors are picking up an accident though 87 northbound as you come through downtown san jose or just south of san jose. northbound 87 let me get a better location for that. that would be 87 at curt near avenue off ramp northbound there's a crash there. and moving along to the south bay picture northbound 280 traffic looks good as you get up to highway 17. 6:09. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. very good morning. we have some low clouds and fog
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back that was really not the case yesterday when it was only patchy at best mainly on the sonoma and marin coast. today there's a lot there. morning fog, sunny and warm. temperatures trying to warm up. hard pressed with the high being in the middle of the country. not much change tomorrow. maybe slightly warmer inland but then i think we cap it off upper 80s very low 90s. mild to warm as we head into the weekend. temperatures by the coast near average. santa rosa should be 86. today we're going 81. san jose 83. today we're going 81. that's what they should be 83. san francisco 68. that's exactly what we're forecasting, 68. so we're getting closer. it's just we've been so far below average for the longest time that it's tough to really warm up. an area of low pressure another one what's new dropped in. now it ejects out. brought rain mendocino county a lot of clouds lake county and measurable rain towards redding. incredible for this time of year. and another system looks like it will drop in which keeps us really from warming up.
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i mean when modesto and stockton are hard pressed to hit 90, how warm can we get? west-southwest at fairfield, west-southwest at sfo. every direction out of the west or southwest. it's all a sea breeze even though it's not that strong it's there and also low clouds. once they burn off more of a typical summertime pattern. 50s to start off or low 60s. san jose at 62. a lot of 50s. one low moves out. high pressure as weak as it may be will drop in and then another system kind of takes the place of that low to the north. really not much change. persistence is the key. the trend is your friend. fog, sun, cool to warm. slightly warmer away from the coast. 80s for some. rebound in those temps for clear lake no doubt about it. fairfield 85. sonoma 80. novato 80. kentfield 80. 84 pittsburg. 74 oakland. 87 gill roy. san jose 81. 80 wood side, redwood city 79 men lo park, mountain view and 68 in the city. a lot of 60s on the coast low to mid-70s towards santa cruz. warmer inland but we keep it
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there as we head into the weekend. now we're going to go back out to the bay. we showed you pictures of a coast guard helicopter hovering over a spot in the bay a little while ago. we have just learned that they have found the woman they were looking for, the wind surfer who went missing at 7:00 p.m. they found her and she is alive. we don't know her condition right now but that is the good news. >> these are live pictures from foster city where coast guard has been scouring the area. her name is kathy catten. she's 62 years old. this news just coming in they have found her alive in the bay. she was wind surfing out there. her husband says that she was last spoke to about 5:00 last night when he lost contact with her. we have a reporter ktvu's tara moriarty who is out there live. she will bring us a live update coming up in a short bit. okay. first we have more news ahead. 6:12. there's now more to san francisco's water than meets the eye. the high-tech treatment designed to make the city's tap
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water even safer. and everyone knows using a cell phone while driving isn't considered bad but how about while walking? where it is now illegal to walk and text.
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people who walk and text, not drive and text, people who walk and text could face fines in philadelphia. the city's made ill illegal to text while walking without looking ahead. people who violate the new rule could be given a $120 fine. it's all part of a new program
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called give respect, get respect which was launched in the spring and targets bad behavior by people traveling in cars, bicycles and on foot. burlingame city council's taking up the issue of getting guidelines for cell phone use. the discussion was prompted by residents who fear that cell phone use may be linked to damage to the brain. guidelines under consideration would suggest people limit use and put distance between the person's body and the phone whenever possible. time is 6:16. drama unfolding in london this morning. in about 15 minutes media mogul murdock and his son james are scheduled to face questions from parliament. ktvu's allison burns is monitoring the testimony happening right now and joins us live with more. allison. >> reporter: that's right. we've been monitoring the hearing for more than two hours online now. let's get to a live look inside parliament's culture, media and sports select committee. this is the former london assistant police chief johnuates who resigned just
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yet. scotland yard under intense scrutiny from allegedly taking bribes from news of the world journalists anduates is facing questions about why he failed to pursue investigations into phone hacking. he has just said he's done nothing wrong. but the highly anticipated witness today are media mogul murdock, his son james and former news international chief executive brooks. they're facing questions about allegations that news of the world journalists working for them illegally eavesdropped on thousands of people and bribed police for confidential usual information. ten people have been arrested in the scandal including brooks and the communications chief for prime minister david cameron. a former news of the world editor. now we could see hearings like this here in d.c. too as the justice department investigating whether the phone hacking extended to the united states. i will stay on top of this for you as murdock's testimony scheduled to begin in about 15 minutes. reporting live from washington, d.c., allison burns, now back
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to you. breaking news now from san mateo county. the coast guard has just found a 62-year-old missing wind surfer and she is alive. just 15 minutes ago we showed you dramatic photograph of the helicopter above the bay. the woman disappeared last night after going wind surfing along the foster city shoreline. ktvu's tara moriarty was there and is here now with a live report. >> reporter: yes, well, we watched the very dramatic rescue happen from our vantage point here we're just knot of the san mateo bridge. happened just out there on the bay. we took it live to you before and here is a replay of it in case you missed it. you can see that there is a swimmer that was actually lowered into the water with a basket. and then they were able to put kathy inside. we were sort of wondering what was going on because all we could see was a swimmer had jumped into the water and was still in there when they raised the basket up. so once she was safely inside of that helicopter, then they lowered the rope back down for the swimmer to go back up.
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we saw them start to head toward the coast guard island over in alameda and then they kind of circled back around and it appears they maybe went to some sort of a hospital in san francisco. right now the foster city fire department is here. they are on scene. we are actually a little out of breath because we ran down to tell them the good news. they were going to start their search and rescue efforts by boat. joining me right now is battalion chief. battalion chief, have you gotten word yet? >> we did get word. we've confirmed that the missing person was found moments ago. right off the san mateo bridge. she has been floating in all night. she is alive and some good hypothermia but off to san francisco airport for medical treatment. all good outcome at this point. >> reporter: great. you were part of the search effort last night but you had to call it off because of the conditions right? >> the conditions and dark.
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it got too dark we couldn't operate. couldn't see anything. we don't have that extreme night capability so the coast guard took over the search all night and here we are in the morning to pick it up again and they just found her. >> reporter: all right. thank you so much for joining us battalion chief. >> see you. >> reporter: thank you very much. so a very, very nice ending. the husband of kathy will be of course delighted to hear this news. he actually had headed down the coastline here with his binoculars searching the coastline for his wife. so he will be very excited to learn that his wife is indeed okay and she is receiving treatment right now for hypothermia. live from foster city, i'm tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. really great outcome there. thank you, tara for that live report watching it unfold right here. time 6:21. get to sal for a check of traffic. still seeing the accident in oakland on 880. >> that's right. slowing traffic this morning. we are also showing you a live picture of all the freeway lanes shut down. check this out. they have all the lanes closed
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here on 880 north as they move some of these crash vehicles from the center divide over to the right hand side. so this crash here really is causing a big slow down on 880 northbound coming up through san leandro. looks like maybe only a couple lanes are getting through on this crash northbound 880 before 98 southbound traffic may be slowing as well because of the crash. let's go out and take a look at some other things. 237 nice commute there crossing 880 and getting up to 101. and if you're driving in contra costa county, highway 4 of course slow. and 680's also slow heading north up to the benicia bridge. for the rest of walnut creek and concord commute looks pretty good. 6:21. let's go to steve. sal, thank you, sir. we have low clouds and fog. not much there yesterday but it's arrived today. it will burn off. we'll have sunshine today. but mild to warm. i don't think we're going to warm up that much. we'll still stay slightly below average for inland temps and
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plenty of low clouds and fogs keep temperatures in the 60s and 70s. see it's built in rapidly but some areas are reporting not just low clouds but fog. westerly breeze coming right through the golden gate out to the delta keeps temperatures in check. 50s and 60s, some low 60s. won't take long to warm up. one system ejects out. that's the low that went into oregon. not much is going to change here just slightly warmer. we call it status quo. fog, sun, cool for some mild to warm for others. 60s, 70s low to mid 80s. those are a few degrees shy of being normal this time of year. fog, sun, warm. but not much changed. slightly warmer into we understand and thursday but then we ease in and back off slightly on the highs. it will still be nice just not hot hot. okay. the new season's just weeks away, but will there be games? what's happening now in the effort to save the nfl profootball season. and what senator feinstein is doing today to help fight for gay marriage rights.
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good morning. golden gate bridge traffic looking good as you drive across or perhaps walk across a little bit of fog on the north side. tell you more about this coming up.
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good morning. 880 northbound continues to be a problem in san leandro
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although it looks like they got a little more clearance here of a crash just before 98. give you more details coming up. time is 6:25. senator diane feinstein will discuss efforts to repeal the defense of marriage act at a press conference today. defines marriage as between a man and a woman. the obama administration has already said it will no longer defend the law in court. three gay couples will talk about the challenges they faced at today's event in washington d.c. senator feinstein's repeal bill will be the focus of a senate committee hearing tomorrow. an anti-violence group reports a spike in hate crimes against bay area gays. it reports violent acts against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender jumped 65% in to 10 from the previous year. the rise in hate crimes just could be tied to the downturn in the u.s. economy. >> groups of people get together they often can figure out who they want to scapegoat and who do we want to sort of
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target. that's the way the groups sort of bond with each other. >> prosecutors in san francisco say the disturbing trend continued as recently as last  month. pro football's four month lockout may soon be over. today lawyers for the nfl players and owners are scheduled to meet again with the federal mediator in new york city. the two sides reportedly made real progress on the bargaining table led. several reports indicate a deal could be announced within the next 24 hours. former secretary of state corn leads rice will deliver an important message today to 100 athletes. taking part in the youth impact program. rice who's a stanford professor and sports enthusiast will talk to the young students about balancing school work and athletics. 49ers owner will also be speaking at today's event on stanford's campus. time is 6:27. friends of fishermen missing off the coast of mexico are taking action. what they're doing now that the coast guard has called off the
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search. and we brought it to you minutes ago, a missing wind surfer plucked from the water alive in san mateo county. how this incredible rescue unfolded. we'll have come coming up more details in a live report.
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good morning. welcome back. the time is 6:30. there it is. the bell ringing on wall street. stock markets are now open. stock futures did rise today getting a lift from stronger than expected earnings from coca-cola and ibm. bank of america, goldman sacks other large banks also ruling out their earnings reports. coca-cola's net income rose 18% in the second quarter. ibm shares rose 2% in premarket and bank of america posted a second quarter loss of 90 cents per share this morning. taking a look at some of the early numbers the dow which was
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down yesterday trading looks like to be up a little at this point. up 60 points. up is good. 6:30 now. good morning. thanks for joining us on the ktvu morning news it's tuesday july 19th. i'm kraig debro in for dave clark. >> good morning. i'm maureen naylor. pam cook has the morning off. time is 6:30. we are following continued breaking news from zanana they county where the coast guard just found that missing wind surfer alive in the water. we've shown you the dramatic rescue near foster city shoreline as it happened between 6:00 a.m. and 6:20. ktvu's tara moriarty was there and joins us once again with more of the details. tara. >> reporter: a very dramatic rescue. definitely a happy ending. just to think that kathy was actually less than a mile from our crews all morning long. we're really not far from the spot where she was last seen last night. the 62-year-old wind surfer was plucked from the water by the search and rescue crews they had been scouring the bay all night. she had vanished actually around 5:00 last night.
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her husband was concerned because he says his wife's health has been compromised. she's currently undergoing chemotherapy and the waters did seem to get very choppy right when she left. but the coast guard announced just 15 minutes ago that kathy was indeed alive. >> kathy has been located on the north span of the san mateo bridge. one of our helicopters just picked her up. she's in good condition. stable condition. she's doing well. >> reporter: this is welcome news to steve, her husband, he was up all night and actually forgot his own sail here right along the coastline in the confusion of his wife vanishing last night. she was an expert wind surfer with 20 years of experience. and it seems that she was quite smart. she'd just let herself drift all night so she conserved her energy. we are told that she is suffering from hypothermia. we did notice the chopper go above us, the coast guard helicopter. it circled around and went to san francisco international airport. there's a hell base for the
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coast guard. she's going to be taken in the plans most likely to sf general. we will of course be monitoring her condition throughout the morning. we are live in foster city, tara moriarty, ktvu channel 2 news. friends of missing fishermen whose boat capsized off the coast of mexico raising money for a private dive team. the press democrat reporting that goldback and others raising money while pressuring the u.s. coast guard to conduct the dive. goldback is a friend of sean from petaluma one of the seven northern california fishermen who went missing earlier this month after a fishing trip. the search for the men was suspended last week. your time is 6:33. this morning the investigation's underway into a suspicious fire overnight in vallejo. it caused major damage to an abandoned home on star avenue. flames were fueled by old clothes and other items left inside the home. investigators are calling the fire suspicious due mostly to the fact that it's an abandoned home and the time the fire broke out. the six men charged in the killing of a german tourist are due back in a san francisco courtroom today. the suspects are expected to
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enter a plea in the fatal shooting of the woman in union square nearly a year ago. police say the 50-year-old woman died in her husband's arms after getting caught in the cross fire of a gang shootout. the german couple was in san francisco to celebrate their wedding anniversary. a san rafael man accused of threatening to kill senator barbara boxer's also due in court today. investigators say 47-year-old ken o connell phoned in several threatening voice mails to boxer's san francisco office last week. the f.b.i. says they were rambling threats and not tied to any of the democratic senator's political positionings. he could face three years in prison if convicted. memorial services are planned this week for the doctor killed in a crash in san francisco's haze valley. ucsf psychiatrist kevin mack was on a university shuttle bus when it collided with a big rig last thursday morning at oak street and octavia boulevard. a viewing for friends and family will be held tonight. the funeral is tomorrow
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morning. ucsf will hold a memorial service of its own for mack thursday evening. the crash is still under investigation. a controversial at&t project goes before the san francisco board of supervisors today. and a vote is expected. coming up in about 15 minutes what opponents say needs to be done before several large utility boxes are installed all over the city. 6:34. the san rafael city council's decision about having a minor league baseball team in the city is heading into extra innings. a minor league wants to establish a pro-team that will play at albert park. league backers say they want to update the stadium with new snack bar, lockers and restrooms with twice as many seats. other backers say minor league team would become part of the small town atmosphere. but opponents are worried about traffic congestion, the sale of alcohol and the ballpark and losing access to the field. >> amounts to a privatization of this field. >> we had the steels here ten
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years ago. very similar. 40 games, alcohol was served and there was never a problem. >> the council heard from more than 40 speakers. members say they're inclined approve the plan but want to look for solutions to potential problems before taking a vote in the next two to four weeks. if the team is approved san rafael would be the second bay area city with a minor league team. san jose has the giants. the proposed team would be part of the north american league which is in its first season has ten teams so far. the chico outlaws is the only other california team in that league. time is 6:36. a major bay area construction project is now more than a year behind schedule. ktvu's jade hernandez is live in pacifica with details on the delay at devil's slide. good morning, jade. >> reporter: good morning, maureen. we've called cal trans to get an update on delays. as soon as we hear back from them we'll let you know. we're live along the 1 this morning. and monoterra is just about six minutes down the road. and this commute can be a very dangerous one.
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the reason devil's slide and the potential for landslides. cal trans has been working on remedying the problem but work has been delayed one year because of soil movement that requires reinforcement work. back in september of last year the project was four weeks ahead of schedule. now the $350 million project is expected not only to be over the completion date, but will cost more money. this is a vast project. it includes constructing two tunnels, two bridges linking highway 1 and pacifica to the tunnels, approaching road revisions south of the tunnel's equipment buildings and an office building. the late todd rans to advocated and secured $175 million for those tunnels to make for a quicker commute and to prevent landslides which create a very dangerous stretch of road between monoterra and pacifica as i mentioned. devil's slide was closed for about five months in april 2006 after a storm. but the last major closure was back in january of 2008. during those periods of closures traffic is rerouted to state route 92 and that can be
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a long commute for drivers. as soon as we hear back from cal trans this morning we'll have more on this project live from pacifica along highway 1. reporting live, jade hernandez, ktvu channel 2 news. time now 6:37. time to go over to sal once again and check out what's going on. there was an accident on 880. an injury accident. i don't know if that's backing up traffic or not. >> glad you asked that because that accident has cleared and i would like to be able to tell our viewers that 880 is a good drive once again from san leandro to oakland. let's move along to some live pictures though of the san mateo bridge. traffic looks pretty good getting out to the high-rise and the fog is not an issue. and by the way if you're coming or waiting for someone to take a flight or -- say that again. if you're waiting for someone at the airport at san francisco or taking a flight yourself, the relatively clear weather will mean that you don't have any big delays today because of the cloud cover. let's go out and take a look now at oakland. we did have that accident that
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kraig mentioned northbound 880. it's clear from the lanes. there's still a tow truck and other things on the shoulder, but the traffic is moving by well. but oakland bay bridge toll plaza, the traffic a little bit slow at the toll plaza. i'm just circling it here because our toll plaza camera had to be moved because they're doing construction there. so we're going to have to do it the old fashioned way and look at the maps. and the morning commute on highway 4 westbound coming up to the willow pass grade westbound traffic is going to be doing pretty well here. you can see quite a bit of space in the lanes as the camera pans to the right coming into concord. so there you are. and the bart trains which run on those tracks you see there are doing well. it was that pickup truck, steve. i see it sal. good time there. thank you. good morning. we have some sun out there. patchy fog. see the dow right here 120 points the heat index in parts of iowa by the way when you combine temperature and humidity was 130. that's in iowa. that's not for us.
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we are warming up a little bit. but not a lot. i think we'll be held in check. in fact i was just -- it's kind of interesting here and i don't want to get ahead of myself but some of the commodity traders in the midwest are talking about no more rain looks like heat's going to stay in the midwest. therein lies our forecast as well. how warm can we get if the high pressure system stays there? we will warm a little bit. morning fog, sunny and warm. not much changed. tomorrow maybe into about thursday and friday i think we ease off. it will be all right. just won't be hot hot. it will be warmer than last weekend though. temperatures are below average. santa rosa should be 86. they're 81. san jose 83. should be. today they'll be 81. and san francisco 68. that's exactly what we're forecasting is 68. the low another one incredibly another low dropped in yesterday and gave a lot of cloud, some rain to mendocino county and lake county. a lot of cloud cover. rain made it to the north. west-southwest wind west at 12 at sfo. still west at fairfield not that strong but it's there. 50s and 60s.
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once we burn off some of the fog there's already lots of holes in it a sunny and warm day. one more system they keep dropping in. that's why i'm reluctant to warm things too much here. warming slightly away from the coast. 60s 70s closer to it. i think we'll get some 80s and very low 90s and keep it there. fog, sun, cool for some mild for others. warmer but nevertheless still a component of a westerly or southwesterly breeze and that keeps temperatures really kind of held in check which is slightly below average. also my clicker is below average because it's not clicking along. there we go. 85 clicker -- [ laughter ] clicker by the way is right here between clear lake. it's a little town. 83 st. helena. 85 fairfield. 84 pittsburg. 73 oakland and walnut creek and 80s to the south. mid-80s maybe few upper 80s towards gill roy. upper 70s low 80s on the peninsula. 60s and 70s closer to coast and bay. slightly warmer inland. but then i think temperatures stay there for a while.
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a large powerful typhoon hitting western japan and bringing record rainfall with it. it slowed today as it approached southwestern japan. right now the typhoon is on track that will take away from the country's crippled fukushima power plant. large dust storm covered phoenix for the second time in less than two weeks. national weather service says the dust was 3,000 feet high, that's more than half a mile. the winds gusting up to more than 40 miles an hour. the storm began to clear within an hour but did delay some flights at the phoenix airport. your time is 6:42. new homicide investigation is underway in east palo alto. the vehicle police are looking for this morning in connection with the deadly shooting. and there are more problems in japan. why some shipments of meat are now being banned. good morning. if you're driving in the bay area so far so good here in san jose. looks very nice heading out to the airport. tell you more about the morning commute and bay weather. hello parents, it's going to be a big school year.
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your kids are going to climb rope. they're going to have a year long tug war with the ceiling.
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and by the time they get out of 8th grade, they're going to do it with sweat on their brow and achievement in their hearts. so, this is what they're gonna need: running shoes, t-shirts, tube socks, fruit cups, cheese sticks, energy bars, rope climbing gloves, rope burn ointment, and a jump drive. not sure what that is, but they're gonna be jumpin'. school takes a lot. target has it all.
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good morning. 645:67:89 quick look at top stories we're following for you right now. coast guard has found a missing wind surfer alive off the shoreline of foster city. you saw it here on ktvu about 30 minutes ago. 62-year-old kaity disappeared last night. the coast guard spent all night looking for her and a coast guard plucked her from the
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water this morning. she's now at a stab francisco hospital. the investigation underway into a suspicious overnight fire in vallejo caused major damage to an abandoned home on star avenue. old clothes and other items left in the home fueled those flames. right now media mogul murder dock and his son are appearing before parliament as part of an inquiry into the news of the world phone hacking scandal t. is a live picture from parliament. questioning began just minutes ago. earlier london's outgoing police chief denied there are any inappropriate links between the police and murdock's media empire. time is 6:46. new this morning east palo alto police are investigating a homicide. police say 23-year-old ban ford was shot several times just before 9:00 last night in front of his house on illinois street. it's believed he was talking to someone in a car when a white sedan pulled up and someone started shooting. we have a crew on the way to east palo alto and we'll bring you more information when we get it. the debt show down continues between president
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obama and republican lawmakers. the president is now promising to veto a republican backed bill that would raise the nation's debt ceiling and make dep spending cuts. the bill would also add an amendment to the constitution forcing the government to pass a balanced budget every year. tea party activists are pushing for passage of the bill. a vote is scheduled to take place in the house tomorrow. happening right now the nuclear regulatory commission the nrc is meeting in maryland. here's a look at a live picture from that meeting room. they're discussing a report issued just last week after the events in japan at the fukushima nuclear power plant. the task force proposed a range of actions to strengthen the ability of nuclear plants to with stand floods, earthquakes and other events. also recommends all plants have a back up battery capacity to survive a minimum of eight hours without power. japan has now banned all beef shipments from fukushima over
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concerns the cattle have been contaminated by radiation from the crippled nuclear power plant. the cattle ate straw from the country's biggest supermarket chain says it sold the beef at 14 stores in tokyo. time is 6:47 and let's get to sal now for a check of weather and traffic out there actually. we saw speaking of weather was foggy on the golden gate bridge which can effect drivers. how is it right now? maureen, steve and i are a team, maureen and kraig. little traffic, a little weather. it all comes together beautifully like steak and something. all right. lobster. thank you, george. southbound 101 as you head down to the toll plaza the traffic is moving along okay here. a little bit of fog at the north end. you see how weather and traffic play together here? little bit of fog at the north end. if you're watching in your hotel room thinking it's foggy on the golden gate bridge, well, steve, our weather man who comes next, will tell you when that fog will burn off so you can get your pictures. i personally like the fog
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pictures. at the bay bridge toll plaza there's a little bit of a back up but not much. as you can see the road sensors not showing a big delay in san francisco. the camera we have usually has to be moved as they're doing construction work there. might be back soon. we'll see. and the morning commute on 237 westbound it is backed up for a slight delay approaching zanker road. looks worse than it is because just to the left traffic breaks free. let's go to steve. sal, thank you, sir. we have some low clouds around. now yesterday it was clear. we had some just patchy stuff. there was hashedly anything. nothing made it inland until a little patch or two made it over parts of the bay. it didn't last long. more of a surge today. i ask you how warm can we get? when low clouds make -- and also a west wind. we have been below average for the longest time and we are coming up a bit on the longest temps. all the heat is in the middle of the country and showing no signs of doing much. when the valley is in the 80s they'll be in the 90ed first
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before we do. fog and low clouds continue to stack up and make a push inland. yesterday that was not the case. we still have a west-southwest wind. it's not that strong but it's there. the temperatures are mild. i'll give it that. there are some low 60s once fog burns off there's already some areas where it has but 62, 63, mountain view, san jose you can warm pretty fast from that this time of year. one low moved out yesterday. see why this satellite see that just there low pressure stays on the west coast and signs that that low pressure system is going to reload as we look ahead to the next five to seven days. warm up a little bit but not a lot. so that means 60s 70s coast and bay. 70s towards santa cruz. get the sun and mid-80s inland to a few maybe pushing the upper 80s. we're kind of held in check for a couple degrees from being near average this time of year. little warmer wednesday, thursday. then i think it hangs out and slightly cooler as we head into the weekend. all right. thank you, steve. time is 6:50. this morning coca-cola reported a big jump in net income to
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$2.8 billion topping analyst forecast. the world's largest beverage company says it sold more of all its drinks around the world as profits road 18% in the third quarter. sales were especially strong for its coke and diet coke products. coke has seen consistent growth for years because of steady sales in established markets and faster increases in those emerging markets. the maker of tylenol and band aids is also reporting second quarter earnings but johnson and johnson reported profits dropped nearly 20% to $2.78 billion. that's still better than experts had predicted. johnson and johnson has had 25 product recalls that have cut into sales in the last year. but company officials say they're encouraged after three new prescription drugs were approved. show you latest numbers on wall street which is being boosted because of all the second quarter earnings coming in from positive numbers from coca- cola. you heard also ibm and some other companies as well.
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dow currently right now up 115 points. nasdaq is up 42. s&p 500 is up 11. the san francisco board of supervisors is expected to vote today on a controversial project by at&t. the company wants to bring its u verse phone, internet and tv service to the city. that means installing large utility boxes on streets all over town. opponents say an environmental impact report must be done first before those boxes are installed. time is 6:52. a small dog springs into action when his owner's store is threatened. [ indiscernible ] >> how the little chihuahua barted an armed robbery. and san francisco owners may not know for week ifs they're among the thousands receiving pink slips. good morning. highway 4 slower than it was last time we checked. we'll give you a complete look at the morning drive to work coming up.
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welcome back. time is 6:55. san jose based cisco systems says it's still deciding which 6500 workers it will layoff in the coming weeks. the giant zestless 16% will come from the ranks of upper management. it needs to cut $1 billion in expenses. cisco's facing increasing competition from other hardware makers including hue let packard. a private school in a sacramento suburb is closed now
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after allegations of child moles station. several current and former students of creative frontiers preschool and elementary school come forward with molestation allegations. the school's principal, robert adams, is the focus of the investigation but has not been arrested. some of the alleges date back at least 15 years. football star michael vick will be on capitol hill today to support an anti-dog fighting bill. the philadelphia eagles quarterback will be joined by the head of the u.s. humane society to speak in favor of the legislation. the bill would strengthen permits against people who finance dog fights. vick served 20 months in prison for bankrolling a dog fighting operation in virginia. a small dog in southern california is being credited with chasing away two robbers at his owner's store. >> give me your money. give me your money. [ indiscernible ] >> this robbery happened about two weeks ago all caught on surveillance video. you can see two men one of them armed demand money at the smoke shop.
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the store owner started to put money in the men's backpack but then the chihuahua took over. chased the men out of the store. the thieves got away with $200 and at this point have not been caught. police say the best thing you can do is get a dog. man's best friend right? 6:56. let's go over to sal one last time during the morning news. all right. we are looking at san francisco. 17th and south vainnesses. there's an injury crash involving a bicyclist here in san francisco. it is in the mission district and the police are there. sounds like minor injuries but you may avoid the area if you want to avoid the delays associated with that crash. let's go out and take a look at the golden gate bridge where traffic does look good but a little bit foggy on the north end the marin county side. and this morning's commute is okay in marin on southbound 101. let's go to steve. thank you, sal. some low clouds, fog, but once that burns off sunny today, mild for some, warm for others maybe cool if you're stuck in that fog for a while but 60s 70s low to mid-80s.
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maureen, kraig. all right. thank you, steve. coming up on mornings on 2 controversy at san francisco's jewish museum involving one security guard and one couple. also there could be a new person in the driver seat at muni today. and the reported pick could raise some eyebrows. stay with us.
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